Important Information

My quaint massage studio is located in the Village of Moravia at my residence, with a private entrance.   Street address provided at time of booking.  

***When making your appointment, let me know your FB profile or

who you know here in town.***    

For my safety, I must vet new clients prior to making an appointment.

I've had a couple inappropriate male clients that caused me to set this policy in place.  Thanks for understanding.


NOTE:  If you are allergic to cats, I might not be the therapist for you.

Jagger & Daltrey are in my massage studio all the time and serve as my greeters & comfort cats.  Even the non-cat lovers like them!

I can make recommendations for other therapists here in the Moravia-Locke area.


(315) 406-2130

located in the Village of
Moravia, NY 13118

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